9-week Sessions Include:

  • Prerecorded ‘lecture/teaching’ videos with topics coming up for review and discussion in our
  • Live zoom sessions – Wednesdays 4-6 pm PST. You will be able to access the recordings of these if you are unable to attend live
  • Live Book Discussion (not 12-step) – Thursdays 2 pm PST. Optional
  • Live “On the Mat’ – Saturdays 7-8.20am PST
  • Live 12 step recovery – Sundays 8 am PST all fellowships together, open meeting (no teaching just sharing). Optional
  • and more

Pricing options

Unpacking the 6 Tenets of YoR: Two by Two
(2 Tenets at a Time)
Over this 9-week online series of Creative Self-Inquiry, look at the roots of our addictive behaviors. Treat the Roots not the Symptoms. It is the nature of humans to create narrative. As healers we allow the story to be told, listen deeply, then help re-weave the story.
Here are the 6 Tenets of YoR:
  1. Life is Longing
  2. Life is Prana
  3. Life is Relationship
  4. Life is Sweet
  5. Life is Love
  6. Life is Progress